Car Definitions

What does Keyless Ignition mean?

A system that allows a driver to start a vehicle with the push of a button as long as the proximity sensors detect the key fob within operating range.

What does MP3 mean?

A digital audio format for creating high-quality sound files. Vehicles that are compatible with playing MP3 audio, allow occupants to enjoy a higher quality of audio.

What does Performance Tyres mean?

Tires that are dedicated to high-speed driving are known as performance tires. They tend to have a shallower tread pattern than standard road tires to reduce rolling resistance while providing maximum grip.

What does Push Button Start mean?

Also known as 'keyless ignition', push start is a button that simplifies turning a car on or off using a key fob that is unique to you.

What does Horsepower mean?

Unit of measurement used when calculating how fast or powerful a vehicle is.