Car Definitions

What does ESC (Electronic Stability Control) mean?

A safety feature that improves the handling of a vehicle by detecting skids and compensating by adjusting braking pressure. This in turn helps maintain the intended direction of the vehicle.

What does Manual Transmission mean?

A type of transmission that requires drivers to use a clutch and shift manually from one gear to the other.

What does MP3 mean?

A digital audio format for creating high-quality sound files. Vehicles that are compatible with playing MP3 audio, allow occupants to enjoy a higher quality of audio.

What does Anti theft alarm mean?

An anti-theft alarm is a device that prevents unauthorized entry into a vehicle through sounding an alarm if the vehicle detects any tampering or change in location when parked.

What does Automatic Transmission mean?

Type of transmission that automatically changes gears instead of making the driver shift through them manually.